Tuesday, March 13, 2012

.Video Games.

I was born 1993, am the youngest of 3, and am the only girl child. The age differences between my two brothers and I are 12 and 5 years apart. My oldest brother I don't quiet remember being too much with me, but my middle brother would be the one who would take care of me and who would I mostly be around him.
     The first consul I remember us having was the Nintendo 64. I loved that system. (We still have it; but missing are the cables. :/) So many good games and memories, but there's a particular game I remember.
     The name of the game was "Hexen," whose picture is here on the side. It was a first person Nintendo 64 game, sequel to Heretic which we never played, yet, we still got this one. Gosh did it keep us on the edge of our seats! The growling of the enemy/ beasts. The "maze- like" gaming. The portals! It was such a good game. Hexen is one of my earliest memories, mainly because I remember being next to my brother, holding a blanket against our living room window so the sun would not reflect against the tv. I admired his playing style, always trying to be one step ahead of him, but he was already 10 ahead even more.

     The other game that I remember the most about is Resident Evil 2. 
That game was such a great invention and thank goodness it has been around for all this time, allowing us to mature along with it. With its plots and character ranging from Claire Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, Ada Wong, Sherry, William and Annette Berkin... the guys over at Capcom knew well how to put on a damn good show. I love that these games are a sort of puzzle, making you, the player, go back and forth about the area of gaming, finding clues and earning weapons, ammo, and health.
     I must admit that upon watching my brother yet again play another game that was super interesting made me wish it was true. The horror of zombies coming to life is not one we're ready for; at least, I don't think, but back then being younger I was up for anything! And how could I not wish it was real if Claire and Leon were the heroes? Claire was such an inspiration. With her grace and patience and her ability of being the protective role model, she was in a way, the older sister I didn't have. Lame right? Well, that's the way I see it, and sometimes I still think of her that same way.
     The clip that I remember the most, and that is one of the most iconic scenes in Resident Evil history is the part where Leon encounters a licker for the first time in the game. I remember so vividly the way the licker acted, Leon's reaction, my brother's face, and imagined how I might have seemed having watched such a chilling scene. Yet again, I was holding a blanket against the window to have no glare, specially in that game seeing how it's dark. When that scene started, it grabbed my attention so much. Not only because Leon was in it, obviously ;), but because I kept thinking, "What iiiiiis that thing?!" Such a chilling hiss it made, long tongue that Gene Simmons has to compete with, exposed brain and no eyes! Where did this come from? Was it human at one point? Then, BOOM! It dropped down to the floor right in front of Leon and I started shaking out of how nervous I was, hoping my brother knew how to deal with it and hoping he'd deal with it pronto!

Here's the clip of the scene I'm talking about. I'm sure if you're a Resident Evil fan, you'll know what I'm talking about, and even if you haven't seen it, do enjoy.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free write.

I hope you liked this post. Just a little insight in my life. Hope you enjoyed. :D

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